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Both speedy and compatible video process library for Web Browser

Get StartedTry a demo
let src = await fflow.source('...')

Stream I/O

FrameFlow was designed to support all JavaScript I/O as stream way. Just one simple line, with metadata as side effects.

src.trim({start: 1, duration: 10})

Build filter graph in JS way

Instead of building filter graph using FFmpeg command-line, frameflow use a simple way to construct. Here is to trim a video input.

// method 1 
await src.exportTo('...')
// method 2
let target = await src.export()
for await (let chunk of target) {
// do something...
// method 3
let target = await src.export()
// one at a time
let chunk = await

Control progress by yourself

You can choose either exportTo to export video automatically, or export to stream output.

Try a demo

Trim a audio and group with avi video, to mp4 file, which can play in HTMLVideoElement.

// import fflow from 'frameflow'
// Given Variables: (fflow, console, onProgress, videoDom)
let videoURL = '/assets/medias/flame-fc6c3033c539a87e55dfe5d7ca097c10.avi'
let audioURL = '/assets/medias/audio-8d14102f3e5d724f1908831686e9adf3.mp3'
let video = await fflow.source(videoURL)
let audio = await fflow.source(audioURL)
let trimAudio = audio.trim({start: 10, duration: video.duration})
let newVideo =[video, trimAudio])
let outBlob = await newVideo.exportTo(Blob, {format: 'mp4', progress: onProgress})
videoDom.src = URL.createObjectURL(outBlob)